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Serving NY, NJ CT



The chef will be able to prepare customized dishes for the following diets:

  • Anti-Cancer Diet
  • Anti-Inflammatory Diet
  • Candida Elimination Diet
  • Gluten, Dairy, Egg, Nut, Soy -free Diet
  • Low FODMAPS Diet
  • Nutritarian Diet (diabetes)
  • Paleo Ketogenic Diet
  • Vegan Diet
  • Vegetarian Diet (includes dairy/eggs)
  • Whole 30

You will choose from several packages. The Standard Package of 6 includes 3 main dishes (each one has up to 5 servings each) or 2 mains and 1 pot of soup and 3 sides including salad, cooked vegetables or a grain dish.

The medium package includes 2 mains and 2 sides or salad or grain dish.

The smallest package includes 2 main dishes and 1 vegetable side or salad or grain dish. 

Most clients are serviced on a weekly or bi-monthly schedule.  The chef comes to your home and prepares all the dishes and stores them in glass pyrex containers in the refrigerator.

You receive a FREE phone consultation to discuss your and your family’s dietary needs.  The grocery shopping is included but not the groceries which will be billed separately.  The food is purchased, prepared, cooked and packaged with complete clean-up of the kitchen.

The list of dishes is made available on my website.  There are over 200 items to choose from.

It varies according to the package you order.  For package 1, the chef will be in your kitchen for about 3.5 – 4 hours.

Most dishes freeze well with the exception of salads.

It is best to reheat just the portion of food you want to eat in a pot/skillet stovetop with a little water or oil to coat the bottom of the pot/pan.  Insert the food, cover and simmer for about 5 minutes.  Mix and serve.  Alternatively, you will be able to heat the food up in a 275 degree F oven for about 10-15 minutes until heated through.  I do not recommend using the microwave oven to heat the food.  It has been reported that it changes the molecular structure of the food.


It is a 3 hour class in your own kitchen.  It is either all demo or partial hands-on where you will be involved in the preparation of the food.

In 3 hours, we will be able to prepare 4 dishes.  It usually consists of 1 main dish, 1 soup or salad, 2 vegetable dishes and 1 grain dish.

The private cooking class is for 1-2 people.  If you have more than 2 people, you would look into a small group class.

Yes, I will teach you the various knife cuts so your food will have equally sized pieces.


You will be learning more about what the best and most nutritious ingredients are for your specific dietary needs and what to do with them, that is, how to prepare them so they are delicious, satisfying and yummy.  Please bring a notebook and pen.  We will be going aisle by aisle.


You will be learning more about what the best and most nutritious ingredients are for your specific dietary needs and what to do with them, that is, how to prepare them so they are delicious, satisfying and yummy.  Please bring a notebook and pen.  We will be going aisle by aisle.