It was Sunday morning and I woke up with a voracious appetite for crepes. When I was a child, my mom would prepare them frequently on the weekend. What a treat! I looked into my freezer (where I keep my flours so they stay fresh) and decided to use Khorasan flour. If you have celiac disease or have an allergy to wheat, do not use this flour! It, like its cousin, spelt, is an ancient form of wheat. Khorasan flour is better known as Kamut flour. The word Khorasan refers to the area where the wheat is grown in modern day Iran. Kamut or Khorasan is more easily digested than regular wheat flour. It grows twice the height of modern day wheat and as a result, contains higher levels of protein, lipids, amino acids and vitamins. The grain is amber in color and has a rich, nutty flavor.
Please keep in mind that gluten free is not necessarily healthier for everyone. People who have celiac disease or a wheat allergy do not have a choice. If they are interested in consuming baked goods, they must consume products that are prepared with a gluten free flour. If you do not have either of these conditions, you may benefit more (nutritionally speaking) from an ancient form of wheat that is rich in nutrients.
Recipe: (Serves 2)
2/3 cup flour of choice
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 pastured eggs
1 1/2 cups milk or milk substitute
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom
buffalo or goat butter or coconut butter for frying
1 bosc pear thinly sliced
coconut nectar (optional)
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the ingredients and whisk until creamy and blended.
Prepare a small crepe pan with a 1/2 teaspoon of butter of choice. Heat the butter and tilt the pan so the surface area is coated. Pour in 1/4 cup batter and tilt the pan until bottom is covered in batter. Heat on medium and cook until the edges start to form small bubbles. At this point, using a spatula, try to scoop under the crepe. If it comes off easily, then flip if over and cook the other side for about a minute longer. If it does not come off easily, let it stay in the pan until it comes off easily.
Place on a plate. Insert the slices of pear on one half and cover with the other half of the crepe. Drizzle a little coconut nectar over the top if you wish. Enjoy!
Ilia Regini is a certified healing through food specialist, health-supportive chef, culinary instructor, writer, blogger and speaker. Healthy Nourished Body offers chef service, cooking lessons, healthy kitchen makeovers and customized menu planning for healing through food dietary protocols.