Due to the large proportion of people who are lactose intolerant and need to steer clear of dairy for various reasons, there suddenly appeared on the market a variety of so-called nut milk, rice milk, soy milk and now coconut milk. What exactly are these made of? I looked on the back of an almond milk container and saw that it contains synthetic vitamins and natural flavoring which is a term that the marketing industry uses to make people think that it’s all natural. Sadly to say, it is not. It is a chemical combination that is made in factories that is meant to taste like the real thing but it is ARTIFICIAL. Once alerted to this, I decided to experiment by making my own. It’s easy and fun.
You need to soak 3 cups of almonds in filtered water for 8-10 hours. Drain and take off the brown covering. Put in a high speed blender with 6 cups of filtered water. Blend and strain through a chinois or cheesecloth. Add real vanilla and almond essence for flavor. Mmm, now that’s delicious and nutritious!