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Sarcoidosis – Foods To Add + Foods To Eliminate

Millions of people worldwide are affected by an auto-immune disorder known as Sarcoidosis.  Sarcoidosis consists of pockets of inflammatory cells which grown in diverse parts of the body including the lungs, lymph nodes, eyes and skin.  It is not known why some people develop it and others do not.  It can be controlled but not cured.  If not treated, it could possibly lead to organ damage.

People who are susceptible to the disorder may be affected by environmental toxins that are breathed in.  Therefore, it is pertinent to not inhale any harsh toxic odors.  An indoor air purifier may be helpful.

Allopathic physicians are treating the disorder with corticosteroids (under the brand name Prednisone).  The dilemma with this form of treatment is the long list of side effects which consist of excessive weight gain, insomnia, acne, diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma, cataracts, osteoporosis, depression and emotional irritability and skin bruising.

From a nutritional dietary perspective, it is advisable to consume a diet rich in fresh organic vegetables and fruits which are a good source of antioxidants.  The antioxidants may protect healthy cells from damage and neutralize free radicals which destroy cells.

To help rid inflammation from the body, it is best to lean towards an alkalinizing diet as opposed to a heavily acidic one.  An alkalinizing diet consists of more fresh vegetables and fruits eaten in the raw state which are cleansing and contain high amounts of enzymes which will help eliminate inflammation.  It is best to steer clear of lots of dairy, heavy fatty meat consumption, white flours, sugar and cold cuts which contain nitrates.  In addition, all foods containing caffeine such as coffee and chocolate need to be eliminated as well as alcohol and tobacco.

Include foods that are high in vitamin C such as peppers and kiwi which contain less sugar, zinc and healthy fatty acids which help repair cell damage.  Omega 3 fatty acids are important and can be found in flax seed/oil, chia seeds. hemp seeds and sardines.

It is crucial to consume foods high in calcium since Sarcoidosis may weaken bones and lead to osteoporosis.

Turmeric is an Asian spice which has anti-inflammatory properties.  It can be taken as a dietary supplement or used as a spice in food preparation.

Eat foods that are rich in the mineral magnesium which may offset the negative effects of Sarcoidosis on the cells.  Foods rich in magnesium include avocados, potatoes, corn, oats, brown rice and bananas to name a few.  The compound known as quercetin which is found in apples and onions has been found to be helpful in reducing inflammation in Sarcoidosis.

Note:  Avoid high levels of calcium-rich foods if you have high blood or urine levels of calcium.


Ilia Regini is a certified healing through food specialist/health supportive chef/culinary instructor/writer/blogger and speaker.  Healthy Nourished Body offers chef service, cooking lessons, healthy kitchen makeovers and customized menu planning for healing through food dietary protocols.  e:[email protected]

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