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The Art of Detoxification in the Privacy of your own Home

Are you feeling overworked, constantly tired, have low energy and just feel plain lethargic?  Would you like to treat yourself to a full day at a spa but can’t afford it?  Why not turn your own home into a mini spa?  That’s right, you can achieve the same exact benefits by staying in your own home as you would by spending thousands of dollars to go to a famous spa.  First thing upon arising, drink a glass of distilled water mixed with a little aloe vera juice and a squeeze of fresh lemon.  Then, treat yourself to a series of yogic breathing/asanas which will not only oxygenate your cells but will also strengthen your adrenals.  It will also cleanse your etheric fields and supply you with much more energy.  After that, you can make yourself a green smoothie (recipe in a previous post), cook up a small amount of grain cereal such as steel cut oats, sweet brown rice or amaranth.  Add your choice of pumpkin seeds, nuts and berries.  It is also essential that you consume a cup of high quality organic plain yogurt with active cultures for the good intestinal flora.

In between breakfast and lunch, you can relax by reading, taking a walk in nature breathing in the fresh air and sunlight or taking a tub bath w/epsom salts with a few drops of your favorite essential oil.  Oh, by the way, Did I mention that you need to remove yourself from computer use, TV use, cell phone use and people and pets?  You also need to be thinking positive, healing thoughts.  Negative ones will only wreck havoc and cause more acidity in the body.  Surround yourself with plants that give off negative ions and soothing, healing music.

For lunch, you will consume a vegetable broth with carrots, daikon, burdock, miso, seaweed, shiitake mushrooms, watercress and rice noodles.

For an afternoon snack, you can make yourself a carrot/beet juice which is extremely cleansing due to beet being a blood cleanser.

For your evening meal, you can prepare an Ayurvedic healing dish called Kitchari which is extremely healing.  It contains mung beans, basmati rice, fresh vegetables and a variety of healing spices.  This can be followed by a raw salad of dandelion greens, onion, burdock, carrots, tomatoes with a tangy olive lemon vinaigrette.

After that, May I suggest having a massage or if you have no one to massage you, do it yourself with almond oil as a base with a few drops of your favorite essential oil.  Prior to going to sleep, drink another glass of distilled water/aloe vera juice with another squeeze of fresh lemon.

Trust me that you will sleep like a baby!