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Expanding on the Topic of Poisons in Our Food

Yesterday I was introduced to the name, “Mike Adams” through a good friend of mine.  I discovered that he is the editor of website.  He calls himself “the health ranger.”  According to Mike, there appears to be a large health conspiracy growing, that is, that we are not capable of experiencing perfect health and therefore need the help of a medical doctor who prescribes either allopathic meds and/or supplements.  This according to Mike Adams, is a myth.  The human body was designed and programmed to experience perfect health.  The belief that we all need meds/supplements is a scare tactic used so the pharmaceutical companies and supplement companies get rich on our dime.

He informs us that the 2 basic reasons that people are not healthy is that one, “They are constantly being poisoned by exposure to damaging substances.  Tens of thousands of poisons are in our body that don’t belong there.”  The second reason is that “People don’t give themselves the nutritional tools to experience perfect health.”  Cells throughout the body are famished and require nutrients such as vitamin D, magnesium, zinc and iodine to name a few which are severely lacking in the average diet.  Without these essential nutrients, the body cannot perform its duties, one of which is to keep us well.

On the other hand, as previously mentioned, people’s bodies are constantly being bombarded with all kinds of toxic poisons such as copper, mercury, cadmium, lead, BPA, aspartame, free glutamates (MSG) just to name a few.

Nobody wants to hear what I suggest but the only way back to great health is through the use of food as medicine.  This means food that is real and not artificially processed and does not come in a can, box or bag.  It requires more work to prepare everything from scratch but what choice do we have?  I suggest you prepare a few dishes like stews and/or thick bean and vegetable soups on the weekend when you have more time.  This is serious everyone!  Ask yourself the question, Is making more money more important or taking care of your body and health?

Ilia Regini is a nutritional healing foods chef, teacher, health & wellness advisor, writer and blogger.  She can be reached at: [email protected]