After having left Maine, I am on yet another food adventure, this time raw. I am attending the one and only certified raw food school of its kind, The Matthew Kenney Academy where everyday cooked dishes are turned into extravagant raw versions. Why raw? It is getting to be the trendy way of eating and I wanted to add this training to my already rich smorgasbord of culinary knowledge. A certain amount of food should be consumed raw to dervive the nutritional benefits from the enzymes. Nothing is cooked over 118 degrees so as not to destroy these precious gems. Some of the dishes we prepared include a raw lasagna with thinly sliced zucchini to take the place of the noodles with a ricotta cheese like filling made with soaked macadamia nuts and a pesto sauce, beet ravioli with microgreens and a yellow pepper coulis, a zucchini tartar with avocado, a spicy handroll with nori and sushi with daikon root to replace the rice component.