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Week Three of Raw Food School

Tomato/Tomatillo gazpacho with a basil sorbet

The weeks appear to be passing by rapidly.  I can hardly believe that the third week has come to a close.  Much time was spent dehydrating foods in the dehydrator such as homemade chocolate chip cookies, garlic bread and slivered onions in a tamari/agave glaze.  We also learned how to make cheeses using nuts for a base.  The nuts were macadamia and cashew.  The nuts were soaked and then blended in a high speed blender such as the vita-mix or blendtec.  These “cheeses” were made flavorful by adding a variety of seasonings and herbs.  The one made with macadamia needed to be dehydrated whereas the one made with cashew needed to be stored in a ring mould in the refrigerator for 24 hours.  The week ended by having  everyone present their cheese platter which was critiqued followed by sampling.

Besides the making of cheese, we also prepared a tomato/tomatillo gazpacho with a very flavorful basil sorbet which was quenelled onto the top of the soup.  The soup was fragrant and a delight to the palate.

Homemade chocolate chips